Thursday 15 October 2015

YONDER.moodboard      'October'

Autumn has now well and truly fallen upon us! And as it does
every October, the trees are starting to loose their rusty leaves & 
the mornings have become both crisper & colder. And as the evenings continue to draw in, we turn over the pages of our cookbooks to more comforting recipes, get settled on our sofas for the new array of tv series  set to draw us in & soothe and indulge ourselves in steamy drawn baths.

So as we say a final farewell to summer, it's time to pull up the blankets, jump straight into October & wrap yourself up in all the wonderful colours and textures this month has to offer. So take inspiration from the dusty pastels, pops of bright and mix of textures from our travels in Morocco & get your home prepped for the chilly days & nights!


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