Friday 26 June 2015

YONDER.moodboard  'July'

As we say goodbye to the last long days of June and into the new month of July, there is no doubt a feeling of summer is in the air. Although we may have just said goodbye to the longest day of the year, the days this week actually seem as though they are getting longer! You no longer need to wear that jumper, tights or jeans, and can be free to leave the house in just a t-shirt! July is laying on the grass barefoot with a soft breeze flowing over your bare legs. July is ice cold lollies and bright lime palm trees. July is a time for adventure, travel, and holidays, where you can let go and feel free to relax. July is about feeling lighter and brighter; and with the sun not setting until well gone 9 each evening, it gives us the desire to do more, be more active, more social and even more happy!

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